Prayer is vital to Christian life. Based on the example and practice of Jesus, we try to develop habits by which we bring ourselves, our concerns and those of the world before God regularly. This helps us to nurture the discipline of spending regular time with God, reading and digesting the Bible, talking to our Heavenly Father and creating spaces within our everyday lives in which we may hear from Him through his Word. These times of devotion and praise assist us in finding intimacy with God, and they strengthen and grow our relationship with Him.
Daily Prayer - The Office
Christians in the Anglican tradition have a long tradition of observing regular times of prayer called the Office. There are three main Offices, corresponding with different times of day: Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer and Night Prayer, and people often choose to observe one or more of these regularly each day.
You can pray the Office online. It is updated four times each day. Even when we pray the Office in solitude we do not do so alone; we are joining with other Christians praying all over the world. The Diocese of St Andrews, Dunkeld and Dunblane also publishes a prayer diary containing daily suggestions of people, places and concerns about which to pray. It can be viewed here.
Diocescan Cycle of Prayer ~ 2022
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