Saint Andrew's is a charge of the Scottish Episcopal Church within the Diocese of St Andrews, Dunkeld and Dunblane. The clergy, congregation and office holders of the charge are subject to the Code of Canons of that Church and conform to the regulations of its General Synod. In practical terms we are governed by a constitution which specifies that the temporal and spiritual affairs of the congregation's life will be managed by a Vestry consisting of the Rector, a Vestry Secretary, a Treasurer, a Lay Representative to Diocesan Synod and 9 constituent members of the congregation (3 elected at the Annual General Meeting of the congregation each year to serve for 3 years). According to the relevant canon, the Vestry's role is to 'cooperate with and generally assist the Rector in all matters relating to the spiritual welfare of the congregation and the mission of the whole church'. In practice, this means involvement in every aspect of the spiritual and material well-being of the congregation's life. Vestry meetings are held monthly or more frequently as required. Current members of the Vestry are: